Revizky-Balogh András bejegyzései

Hungary is worthy of investor confidence

“Just like in the automotive industry, it is also difficult to introduce new models within the economy; the Hungarian model, which has set full employment as its goal, is successful”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Győr at the factory production launch of the new Audi TT Roadster.

Budapest sikere nemzeti érdek

Orbán Viktor miniszterelnök szerint a következő évek elhozzák majd a magyar fellendülés korszakát, amely magában foglalja a főváros felemelkedését is, hiszen Budapest sikere tegnap is, ma is, holnap is nemzeti érdek.

Hungary and Bavaria agree on MKB acquisition

„The Hungarian and Bavarian governments have come to an agreement on all issues regarding the acquisition of MKB Bank Zrt. by the Hungarian state”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Minister-President of Bavaria Horst Seehofer announced following private talks on Thursday in Munich.

Hungary and Bavaria agree on MKB acquisition

„The Hungarian and Bavarian governments have come to an agreement on all issues regarding the acquisition of MKB Bank Zrt. by the Hungarian state”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Minister-President of Bavaria Horst Seehofer announced following private talks on Thursday in Munich.